Dec 1, 2011

People think it is holding on that makes you stronger, but sometimes it’s letting go.
True to me, I have decided to redirect the usual routine I was trapped in. Yes, I was trapped into this day-to-day routine when I was too meek and had to nod to every favor they are going to entrust me. All I can do is to work hard enough to satisfy my desire to say yes to everything, to everyone at the expense of my physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.
Yes, I can say that I was not good at all, because I let them enslave me and allowed myself to obey them all; hence, I was not able to have the chance to develop and stand. It may be too awkward to say these but with my twenty-two years of existence, I am not that dumb to utter insensible things. It is just that I am now an educated individual- a person who uses his intellect and applies it in order to elevate his level. I may not be like those well-known philosophers who are able to express reasons freely but with this knowledge and will endowed to me by the Mighty God, I believe it is prompt and proper that I stand up and prove them all, that I exist in this world not to be their "slave" all the time. 
 With the belief that I cannot be here on earth forever, I tried the best I can and acted as though each day is my last. This is because I am true to myself and to acquaint myself with  the standard not of men but the standard set in accordance to what is highly moral and upright in the sight of God. This is the reason why I realized to let go. Yes, I let go of the past in order for me to face the present. My attitude shown in the present will determine the kinds of fruits that I will reap in the future. After all, it is by letting go that makes me strong.