Sep 16, 2015

Quiz Bowl Mechanics

Science Quiz Bowl Mechanics

General Guidelines

·This contest is open to all students of SAIHS. Three members will compose a TEAM.

TThe coverage of the quiz bowl is General Science.

·  The quiz bowl is composed of three rounds: Easy, Moderate, and Difficult Rounds. Each round will have ten (10) questions.  Easy round questions are worth 3 points, Moderate 5 points and Difficult 10 points.

·         All questions are of multiple-choice type. Teams will be provided with cards.

·         No choices shall be provided for the answers to questions for the difficult round.

·         At the end of each round, the cumulative score of each team will be computed.

·         The team that scores the highest wins the quiz bowl. Second and third placers will also be awarded. In case of a tie, clincher questions will be asked.

Reading Mechanics

1. Questions during the Easy Round will be limited to 10 seconds per answer. For Moderate round, it will be limited to 15 seconds, and for the difficult round, it will be limited to 20 seconds.
2. Questions will be read twice by the quiz master. After the second reading, the quiz master shall say “GO” and only then the team be allowed to write the answer. Automatically, the respective time limit for each round will begin with the word “GO” by the quiz master.
3. After the time and the buzzer sounds, the team should stop writing and raise their cards. The answer of the team violating this rule will be considered void.

Answering Mechanics

1. Each TEAM contestant will be provided with official writing boards.

2. Answers must be printed legibly on the writing cards as instructed. The answer must be written in PRINT BIG LETTERS such as A, B, C, and D.
3. The audience must observe silence while the contest is going on. COACHING IS STRICTLY NOT ALLOWED FROM THE AUDIENCE.

Protest Mechanics

1. A protest may be raised by any contestant. All protests shall be forwarded to the judges for decision.

2. Protests regarding a particular question will be entertained only before the next question is read. Once the next question is read, no protest regarding the previous question will be entertained.

3. During the protest, the contestant has the privilege of consulting any reference, provided they are relevant to the subject of the protest.

4. The Board of Judges shall be given a maximum of two (2) minutes to resolve the protest after which the contest shall go on. Should the judges fail to resolve the protest within the allotted time, the said question shall be held in abeyance until the same has been resolved.

5. The Board of Judges will act on any concern regarding the questions and answers ONLY.

6. The decision of the Board of Judges shall be final and executory.

Tie Breaking Mechanics

1. In case of a tie at the end of the last phase of this contest, a tie breaker will immediately ensue and will be sudden death in nature.

2. Questions of any difficulty and type will be asked until one contestant gains an advantage in score over the other.

3. The first contestant to gain an advantage in score will be declared the victor of the tie and will merit the corresponding award.

Prepared by:

Mr. Junrey R. Belando, Grade 10 Adviser
Mrs. Dorina B. Layague, Grade 7 Adviser

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