Dec 1, 2015

Take Care of Your Faith or You Shall Find Yourself in the Fiery Lake of Fire

( ***I wrote this unfinished article this morning inspired by true events based on Biblical information.)

If I were God, I’d most likely hate the person who abandoned their faith and most likely, I might also discipline them in a manner that they will see my anger because of their wrong doings. These thoughts emerge because of my human nature of impatience. But God is truly patient, kind, and a God of love, and so on and so forth. His compassion, His love is truly unconditional and beyond our understanding. His love endures forever! Amen.

I can’t believe how they tend to choose what gives them earthly pleasures than doing what is noble, what is pure—to glorify God by attending church and spiritual activities. I can’t believe why they seem to distant themselves away from church, away from God. They choose to be with their friends outside the church rather than accompanying their church friends. I can’t understand why they can’t find time to attend to the Church activities and yet they have plenty of time to please others with their presence. They are making themselves as their “lords,” rather than obeying God as their Lord.

The Bible tells us that God is the Creator, the life-giver, the Spring of life, the only One who should be worshipped and glorified. Our convictions, the human reason, earth, sky, and the heavenly bodies—all proclaim of God’s glory!

Why are there some people who are putting God their least and last priority?

When God is at the last from our priorities, we reject Him who is the author of life, we reject His majesty, we reject the truth that He is God, we reject Him who is the source of the countless blessings we enjoy! We reject Him who gives us LIFE!

The salvation we receive needs to be nourished, nurtured and taken care of. This is a false statement: ONCE SAVED, ALWAYS SAVED. We should remember: We don’t have a doctrine but the Bible, no creed but Christ. When the Bible speaks, we speak, when the Bible is silent, we are silent.

It is dangerous to abandon your faith in Christ. One thing is certain: Christ will come again, and when he does so, everyone faces judgment based on how he lived his life. Isn’t it awesome when we shall hear him talking to us personally, smiling while uttering these words: “WELL DONE, GOOD AND FAITHFUL SERVANT!” I believe such words are something we look forward to hear from Him.

The Bible tells us that those who don’t believe in Christ (the unbelievers include those who abandoned their faith) are to suffer in eternal doom—they will be suffering in the fiery lake of fire eternally. Nobody here wants to end up on that place of eternal-damnation. Today, ask yourself: "Which way is your life leading you?"

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